Olivia - Olivia breeder's (Renville)
Morton - Morton breeder's (Renville)
Wanda - Wanda pet's (Redwood)
Spicer - Spicer kittens (Kandiyohi)
Belgrade - Belgrade pet's (Stearns)
Long Prairie - Long Prairie pet breeder (Todd)
Hoffman - Hoffman pet shops and stores (Grant)
New Munich - New Munich shops and stores (Stearns)
Hillman - Hillman pet for sale (Morrison)
Nelson - Nelson shops and stores (Douglas)
Glenwood - Glenwood pet for sale (Pope)
Mc Grath - Mc Grath shops and stores (Aitkin)
Foreston - Foreston pet breeder (Mille Lacs)
Freeport - Freeport shops and stores (Stearns)