Warrensburg - Warrensburg breeder's (Warren)
Wevertown - Wevertown breeder's (Warren)
Whitehall - Whitehall pet's (Washington)
Ellenburg Center - Ellenburg Center kittens (Clinton)
Ellenburg Depot - Ellenburg Depot pet's (Clinton)
Dannemora - Dannemora pet breeder (Clinton)
Brushton - Brushton pet shops and stores (Franklin)
Constable - Constable shops and stores (Franklin)
Gabriels - Gabriels pet for sale (Franklin)
Elizabethtown - Elizabethtown shops and stores (Essex)
Moira - Moira pet for sale (Franklin)
Redford - Redford shops and stores (Clinton)
New Russia - New Russia pet breeder (Essex)
Lake Placid - Lake Placid shops and stores (Essex)
Peru - Peru pet for sale (Clinton)