Whitsett - Whitsett breeder's (Live Oak)
Zapata - Zapata breeder's (Zapata)
Adkins - Adkins pet's (Bexar)
Normanna - Normanna kittens (Bee)
Pandora - Pandora pet's (Wilson)
New Braunfels - New Braunfels pet breeder (Comal)
Floresville - Floresville pet shops and stores (Wilson)
Mc Queeney - Mc Queeney shops and stores (Guadalupe)
Pettus - Pettus pet for sale (Bee)
Nixon - Nixon shops and stores (Gonzales)
Bulverde - Bulverde pet for sale (Comal)
Encino - Encino shops and stores (Brooks)
Armstrong - Armstrong pet breeder (Kenedy)
Schertz - Schertz shops and stores (Guadalupe)
Bruni - Bruni pet for sale (Webb)