Ucon - Ucon breeder's (Bonneville)
Victor - Victor breeder's (Teton)
Carmen - Carmen pet's (Lemhi)
Lenore - Lenore kittens (Clearwater)
Lucile - Lucile pet's (Idaho)
Kamiah - Kamiah pet breeder (Lewis)
Lewiston - Lewiston pet shops and stores (Nez Perce)
Fenn - Fenn shops and stores (Idaho)
Peck - Peck pet for sale (Nez Perce)
Kooskia - Kooskia shops and stores (Idaho)
Bruneau - Bruneau pet for sale (Owyhee)
Indian Valley - Indian Valley shops and stores (Adams)
Eagle - Eagle pet breeder (Ada)
Stites - Stites shops and stores (Idaho)
Greenleaf - Greenleaf pet for sale (Canyon)