Edroy - Edroy breeder's (San Patricio)
Encino - Encino breeder's (Brooks)
Dinero - Dinero pet's (Live Oak)
Concepcion - Concepcion kittens (Duval)
Sarita - Sarita pet's (Kenedy)
Premont - Premont pet breeder (Jim Wells)
Kingsville - Kingsville pet shops and stores (Kleberg)
Sinton - Sinton shops and stores (San Patricio)
Guerra - Guerra pet for sale (Jim Hogg)
Oilton - Oilton shops and stores (Webb)
Refugio - Refugio pet for sale (Refugio)
Hebbronville - Hebbronville shops and stores (Jim Hogg)
Gregory - Gregory pet breeder (San Patricio)