Virgil - Virgil breeder's (Beadle)
Barnard - Barnard breeder's (Brown)
Woonsocket - Woonsocket pet's (Sanborn)
Columbia - Columbia kittens (Brown)
Ashton - Ashton pet's (Spink)
Pierpont - Pierpont pet breeder (Day)
Java - Java pet shops and stores (Walworth)
Frankfort - Frankfort shops and stores (Spink)
Rockham - Rockham pet for sale (Faulk)
Faulkton - Faulkton shops and stores (Faulk)
Houghton - Houghton pet for sale (Brown)
Long Lake - Long Lake shops and stores (Mcpherson)
Eureka - Eureka pet breeder (Mcpherson)
Orient - Orient shops and stores (Hand)