Dickinson - Dickinson breeder's (Stark)
Amidon - Amidon breeder's (Slope)
Beach - Beach pet's (Golden Valley)
Rhame - Rhame kittens (Bowman)
Richardton - Richardton pet's (Stark)
Mott - Mott pet breeder (Hettinger)
Golva - Golva pet shops and stores (Golden Valley)
Marmarth - Marmarth shops and stores (Slope)
South Heart - South Heart pet for sale (Stark)
Reeder - Reeder shops and stores (Adams)
Burlington - Burlington pet for sale (Ward)
Mcgregor - Mcgregor shops and stores (Williams)
Des Lacs - Des Lacs pet breeder (Ward)
Antler - Antler shops and stores (Bottineau)
Granville - Granville pet for sale (Mchenry)