Campbellton - Campbellton breeder's (Atascosa)
Port Lavaca - Port Lavaca breeder's (Calhoun)
Moore - Moore pet's (Frio)
Comfort - Comfort kittens (Kendall)
Ecleto - Ecleto pet's (Karnes)
Christine - Christine pet breeder (Atascosa)
Mountain Home - Mountain Home pet shops and stores (Kerr)
Fowlerton - Fowlerton shops and stores (La Salle)
Pearsall - Pearsall pet for sale (Frio)
Waring - Waring shops and stores (Kendall)
Rio Medina - Rio Medina pet for sale (Medina)
Cibolo - Cibolo shops and stores (Guadalupe)
Von Ormy - Von Ormy pet breeder (Bexar)