Bimble - Bimble breeder's (Knox)
Bryants Store - Bryants Store breeder's (Knox)
Cannon - Cannon pet's (Knox)
Saul - Saul kittens (Perry)
Scalf - Scalf pet's (Knox)
Middlesboro - Middlesboro pet breeder (Bell)
Garrard - Garrard pet shops and stores (Clay)
Kettle Island - Kettle Island shops and stores (Bell)
Trosper - Trosper pet for sale (Knox)
Pineville - Pineville shops and stores (Bell)
Covington - Covington pet for sale (Kenton)
Hebron - Hebron shops and stores (Boone)
Cynthiana - Cynthiana pet breeder (Harrison)
Brooksville - Brooksville shops and stores (Bracken)
Falmouth - Falmouth pet for sale (Pendleton)