Ranchita - Ranchita breeder's (San Diego)
Pala - Pala breeder's (San Diego)
Palm Desert - Palm Desert pet's (Riverside)
San Diego - San Diego kittens (San Diego)
Coachella - Coachella pet's (Riverside)
Amboy - Amboy pet breeder (San Bernardino)
Vidal - Vidal pet shops and stores (San Bernardino)
Big Bear City - Big Bear City shops and stores (San Bernardino)
Twentynine Palms - Twentynine Palms pet for sale (San Bernardino)
Grand Terrace - Grand Terrace shops and stores (San Bernardino)
Thermal - Thermal pet for sale (Riverside)
Apple Valley - Apple Valley shops and stores (San Bernardino)
Parker Dam - Parker Dam pet breeder (San Bernardino)
Pioneertown - Pioneertown shops and stores (San Bernardino)