Temple - Temple breeder's (Cotton)
Terral - Terral breeder's (Jefferson)
Ryan - Ryan pet's (Jefferson)
Snyder - Snyder kittens (Kiowa)
Leedey - Leedey pet's (Dewey)
Bison - Bison pet breeder (Garfield)
Oakwood - Oakwood pet shops and stores (Dewey)
Aline - Aline shops and stores (Alfalfa)
Hammon - Hammon pet for sale (Roger Mills)
Lone Wolf - Lone Wolf shops and stores (Kiowa)
Fairview - Fairview pet for sale (Major)
Cleo Springs - Cleo Springs shops and stores (Major)
Hitchcock - Hitchcock pet breeder (Blaine)
Fairmont - Fairmont shops and stores (Garfield)
Lahoma - Lahoma pet for sale (Garfield)