Woonsocket - Woonsocket breeder's (Providence)
Westerly - Westerly breeder's (Washington)
Chepachet - Chepachet pet's (Providence)
Bradford - Bradford kittens (Washington)
North Scituate - North Scituate pet's (Providence)
Carolina - Carolina pet breeder (Washington)
Fiskeville - Fiskeville pet shops and stores (Providence)
Greene - Greene shops and stores (Kent)
Bristol - Bristol pet for sale (Bristol)
Clayville - Clayville shops and stores (Providence)
Saunderstown - Saunderstown pet for sale (Washington)
Middletown - Middletown shops and stores (Newport)
Shannock - Shannock pet breeder (Washington)
Central Falls - Central Falls shops and stores (Providence)
Jamestown - Jamestown pet for sale (Newport)